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I’m happy to talk at your next event! I’m available to speak for a variety of audiences including: Retreats, conferences, workshops, panels, schools, faith-based and private settings.
I’ve been a guest on numerous podcast/radio shows (see press for specific episodes), spoken on panels and performed live storytelling for USA Today’s The Storytellers Project.
By weaving in my experiences as a birth mom, biological mom and adoptive mother, I encourage others to choose grace over guilt and shame, and to let go of their quest for perfection. My goal is to help others embrace their imperfections, cling to hope during difficult times, and find freedom in pursuing what makes themselves perfectly unique.
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-Choosing Love Over Fear
-Choosing Grace Over Guilt and Shame
-Clinging to Hope and Faith During Difficult Times
-Grappling with Grief and Loss
-Accepting Imperfections in Ourselves and Others
-Learning to Make Peace With Choices That Bring Heartache
-Understanding Lessons Along the Journey
-Finding Your Own Happily-Ever-After.


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